The Oriental

The Oriental is dog friendly!


The Oriental

The Oriental is dog friendly!

Dogs stay for free! Here at The Oriental we love having your four legged friends stay with us, we have our own in house pooch called Luna who often frequents the lounge area. She is very friendly so do come and say hello/woof. Only certain rooms are dog friendly so do get in touch on 01273 205050 so we can go over the options and check availability for you. Dog owners are asked to bring their own bedding and food bowls etc for their pets. Occasionally cats are also allowed by special arrangement. You can request a copy of our dog friendly hand out by dropping us an e-mail or giving us a call on 01273 205050. Please note that owners are responsible for their pets and any damage caused so only well behaved, quiet pets should stay. Pets (and their owners) causing a nuisance to other guests may be asked to leave.